With over 70 years of history, Westercon is one of the best-known and most traditional science fiction and fantasy gatherings in our culture; we were geeks before geeks were cool. Before most communities had local SF cons, Westercons have been bringing fans together in different cities in the western US and Canada. As one of the templates other conventions have followed, Westercon has many traditional features of conventions, including authors and artists, panels and presentations, a costume masquerade, dances, opening and closing ceremonies. What distinguishes Westercon from most other events is the quality of activities andparticipants as a result of bringing in some of the most creative people across several states and provinces. Like Worldcons, Westercons are chosen with a site selection vote and bidding tradition; the vote for the 75th Westercon in 2022 will be held at the Seattle Westercon in 2020.