SWOC was founded a quarter-century ago as the “Seattle Westercon Organizing Committee”
SWOC is an IRS 501(c)(3) exempt organization whose mission is to promote discussion and appreciation of science fiction and fantasy arts and literature, science education, and related topics through the congregation of fans, lectures, films, exhibitions, workshops, and similar activities. Sponsoring this Westercon is one way that SWOC carries this mission forward.
SWOC has organized many successful events since its founding, including:
- Sasquan, the 73rd World Science Fiction Convention, held in Spokane on August 19-23, 2015
- Westercon 65, “ConClusion”, held in Seattle on July 5-8, 2012
- Cascadia Con, the 8th North American Science Fiction Convention (also under the auspices of WSFS in Seattle on September 1-5, 2005
- Westercon 56, held in Seattle on July 3-6, 2003
- Westercon 50, held in Seattle on July 3-6, 1997
- Westercon 46, held in Seattle on July 2-5, 1993
- ConComCon, a regional gathering of convention organizers, now in its 26th year
- ConFlikt, a major gathering of filk (science fiction and fantasy fan music) enthusiasts, now in its twelfth year